IMPRESSIONS FOR ICF ICF It is Tuesday evening, ICF Night in Biel. We are on our Teachings leadership it. It is so encouraging as the people an ever-wider understanding of leadership and the "Spirit" is changing in the ICF Biel.
At the end of the Teachings, we are aware still for a moment and listen to what God says about ICF Biel. The following pictures are met.
Figure 1 A cross stands on a mountain. Jesus on the cross and the sun shines on the cross. There is a great pleasure.
Figure 2 You are my queen. A queen deserve dignity, they will be honored. Figure 3 is
A city wall, which patched up again. People celebrating the reconstruction.
Isaiah 41, 13
And I say: `Do not be afraid. I am here and help you.
Figure 4 A surfer is inside a tube. The tube is moved forward and has a goal. The Tube sympolisiert God.
Figure 5 Large tree whose roots are firmly anchored.
Figure 6 see a hold of an airplane. A case of falling out and falling on an island. The box is not broken, but goes on by itself. In the box there is ash.
Image 7 A lion in the movie Narnia. He protects a cave and something that is not visible in the cave which he protects.
Figure 8 A Empryo, which grows up. A new life is formed.
Image 9 I see a sandy beach, this sympolisiert that he is not a foundation.
I see a rock (rock), which provides the foundation.
Image 10 I see a goal. There is another, better way to target. We take.
It touched me how God loves his church. He gives hope to people to never win. I will come'm looking forward to all the things.
Let's build a great church for God's glory