Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mixed Wrestling Facebook


A little over two months, I became a father. My little daughter is Lucy and I love them very firmly. This is the grossest experience I've had in my life. Before the little baby came into the world we have made many preparations. We thought about how we set up the room as we want to deal with the baby after birth, etc. We have prepared everything for our baby.
do exactly what we are currently in the ICF Biel. We build our location in a video location and prepare everything for the Celebrations from the 30th May Launch. We love our church. We always think about what they look like they have so people will like.
Here are some impressions of the conversion.

I love the pioneer spirit which prevails at present. It is so fun with all the people the church building, and to be so much fun.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Best Beginner Tennis Racket For A Woman


Imagine a church that is modern and passionate before. They are growing in all areas. You feel welcome. The people have a positive attitude to life and each time you will be surprised by new creative and innovative Celebrations. Many people change positively and have new hope. You will be challenged to try something new and bold steps to go in life.
With this dream, we start ICF BIEL 30 May in theater Biel .
review you to the clip.

The BIG BANG we start this church with a fantastic celebration. After this date, you get the opportunity every Sunday to a Celebration.
Be sure part of this event and take all your friends with.

I'm looking at you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Letter Of Recommendation Sample For Hair Stylist


What a cool evening. Nearly 50 people come to Night Vision ICF Biel. We explain to people why we need an ICF in Biel. The room is prepared for expected 40 people. The drink and the chairs are ready. The room is filling up gradually. There is a cheerful and positive Atmosphere. Chlöisu welcomes people and invites them to sit down. Because we realize that too few chairs. I'm like the "Servierfrau" they should bring more chairs. All the people now have space and the room is pretty full. Chlöisu begins to explain to people why we need an ICF in Biel. It is noticeable how people are excited for a new church. Now is time for Q & A. Many questions are asked and the people are interested in ICF Biel. The Night Vision is almost over and the people stay until well after 19h00 and discuss ICF Biel and have fellowship.

I am thrilled at the evening because just felt is that something new begins. The future is bright.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How To Make A Gum Paste Running Shoe


It is Tuesday evening, ICF Night in Biel. We are on our Teachings leadership it. It is so encouraging as the people an ever-wider understanding of leadership and the "Spirit" is changing in the ICF Biel.

At the end of the Teachings, we are aware still for a moment and listen to what God says about ICF Biel. The following pictures are met.
Figure 1
A cross stands on a mountain. Jesus on the cross and the sun shines on the cross. There is a great pleasure.
Figure 2
You are my queen. A queen deserve dignity, they will be honored. Figure 3 is

A city wall, which patched up again. People celebrating the reconstruction.
Isaiah 41, 13
And I say: `Do not be afraid. I am here and help you.
Figure 4
A surfer is inside a tube. The tube is moved forward and has a goal. The Tube sympolisiert God.
Figure 5
Large tree whose roots are firmly anchored.
Figure 6
see a hold of an airplane. A case of falling out and falling on an island. The box is not broken, but goes on by itself. In the box there is ash.
Image 7
A lion in the movie Narnia. He protects a cave and something that is not visible in the cave which he protects.
Figure 8
A Empryo, which grows up. A new life is formed.
Image 9
I see a sandy beach, this sympolisiert that he is not a foundation.
I see a rock (rock), which provides the foundation.
Image 10
I see a goal. There is another, better way to target. We take.

It touched me how God loves his church. He gives hope to people to never win. I will come'm looking forward to all the things.
Let's build a great church for God's glory