forms (Kata Ganti Bentuk)
The forms of personal distinction by person, number and case. In the third person singular is differentiated according to the genus.
singular / Tunggal
first Person / orang pertama
nominative: I
genitive dative my
: I
accusative: I
second Person / Kedua orang
nominative: you
genitive dative your
: dir
accusative: up
third Person / orang ketiga
Masculine nominative: He
genitive dative be
: it
accusative: it
nominative: it
genitive: it
dative: accusative
her: she
neuter nominative: it
genitive dative be
: it
accusative: It
plural / Jamak
first Person / orang pertama
nominative: we
genitive dative our
accusative us: we
second Person / Kedua orang
nominative: genitive her
: dative your
: you
accusative: you
third Person & Hoeflichkeitsform / orang ketiga & Bentuk Hormats (Anda)
Nominativ: sie / Sie
Genitiv: ihr / ihr
dative: ihnen / Ihnen
Akkusativ: sie / Sie
Beispiel 1: Sie-Form; (Siezen) / Form Sincerely
Guten Morgen, Herr Resmol! Wie geht es Ihnen?
Good Morning, Mr. Resmol! How are you?
Danke, mir geht es gut. Und Ihnen? Wie geht es Ihnen, Frau Schmidt?
Thank you, my good news. What about you? How are you, Mrs. Schmidt?
Danke, mir geht's Auch gut.
Thank you, I am also good news. Was machen Sie
denn hier, WENN ich fragen darf?
What are you doing here, if I may ask?
Ich habe hier einen
Einzelunterricht. Und Sie? Was machen Sie hier?
private courses I have here. Your own? What are you doing here?
Hmm, Sie eigentlich unterrichten Meine Tochter.
Well, actually it is you teach my child.
Entschuldigung, was meinen Sie?
Sorry, what do you mean?
Meine Ich, ich bin die Mutter von Lyvia.
I mean, my mother Lyvia.
Beispiel 2: Du-Form; (Duzen) / Form
Hi Andre Du, wie geht es dir?
Hallo Andre, how are you lo?
Sven Danke, mir geht's gut. Und selber?
Thanks Sven, I wrote well. Lo himself how? Mir geht's
nicht so gut.
Gw gak gitu Sehat.
What's the matter with you?
Lo kenapa?
I Gw lagi headache
Kepala sakit
Take it had, aspirin! This helps against headaches.
minum aja aspirin! Ngebantu banget tuh buat ngilangin Kepala sakit. Thanks for your advice
makasih untuk yes anjuran lo.
You're welcome.
Nyantai aja, man!
Other examples:
I see you.
you want to ask you something.
your worries us.
It seems to me not to mind.
He has dreamed of her.
She has dreamed of him.
We learn German in Indonesia
genitive: us (e) rer place and our eu (e) rer your place:
For example:
Masculine & Neuter - Singular / Tunggal article
OF: chair, table, etc. THE
Article: book, cell phone, etc
This is our chair.
This is your table.
This is our book.
This is your cell phone.
Masculine - Plural / Jamak
Article DIE: chairs, tables, books, cell phones, etc.
They are our chairs.
These are your tables.
These are our books.
These are your phones
NB: These forms are not considered by all grammars to be correct, although they also occur relatively frequently in the standard language. You should always Case can be avoided with all:
only: our friend
only: with the help of you all
The personal pronouns belong also the speaker (first person), the listener (second person) and or discussed ( 3rd person).
first Person: I, we
The first person pronoun refers to the speaker or writer. With a single speaker, etc. I / writer is meant. With so we usually several speakers / writers are meant. With
we occasionally (usually in a condescending manner) a person mentioned refer to:
How are we today?
What we have for as employed again!
The first person Plural is sometimes used by a single person:
* The plural Majestatis (plural of majesty) is commonly used by ruling princes in official speeches and writings:
We, Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands by the grace of God [...] post. ..
* The plural modestia (modesty plural) is used by speakers and writers to recede from modesty to oneself:
This brings us to the end of our discussion.
second Person: you, you (polite form Sie)
with the personal pronoun of the 2nd Person is referred to the addressee or the reader. With you, etc. a single listener / reader meant. With it, so more listeners / readers are referred to.
The shapes you and her are confidential. They are used in the family and friends, but also among young people in clubs, organizations, work with colleagues. You name basis with usually children, animals but also saints and divine beings.
The polite form of address is the third person plural, etc. It is the always capitalized. This will be used both for a single person or a few persons.
third Person: he, she, it, they
The personal pronoun of the 3rd Refer to the person or the discussed / described. They describe not only persons but creatures of all kinds, things and abstract concepts.
you stand for a noun and then used, if not a noun in the sentence or in the speech to be repeated:
Hans came. He (instead of John) was very excited.
Where's my tobacco? I have him (instead of my tobacco) has just had yet.
I thought of my parents and they (instead of my parents) immediately called.
The pronouns he, she, it stand for a noun in the singular. In the choice between he, she, and it is usually the grammatical gender and not the natural sex decisive:
you see that girl? Yes I see it.
The subject is male. It will first undergo a medical examination.
The pronoun it performs several other functions in the set are presented separately. See The pronoun it.
The pronoun they (plural) is representative of a noun in the plural. As a courtesy form, it refers to one or more Addressed / reader. In spirit, etc. It is therefore a second Person:
woman Resmol, we welcome you in our school.
Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to our symposium
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