Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gum Disease And Skoal

The contrasting negation

The contrasting negation
The contrasting negation

In contrasting negative is the refusal to understand that highlights the denied proposition a set of special and he faced a similar phrase in a positive statement:

non contrasting negation I have not seen him. - I have seen him
Contrasting denial I have not seen him. - I've seen his sister.

The contrasting negation is characterized by a particular word order and a particular emphasis. The negative word precedes the highlighted portion (see word order), and the highlighted portion is emphasized:

I have not seen him (but his sister).

The stress (or written language of a sentence) is important because the word order may not specify more clearly whether it is a contrasting negation is and - if so - what part of the sentence is highlighted:

non contrasting negation He has no red car purchased.
Contrasting He negation does not buy a red car (but a green).
He has purchased a red car (but a red motorcycle).

The contrasting negation can highlight all the parts of a sentence, parts of members of sentences, and sometimes even parts of words:

He has not paid his grandson a book but a CD.
We have never had with the new car, but always with the old.
The cafe is not available, but behind the station. You shall
matters shall not, unload it.

Note: In other grammars uses a superficially similar concept: This kind of negation is "special negation" or "word negation", and the only negative part of the sentence. The "special negation" is the "negation of sentence" to which negates the whole sentence.



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