Negation words
Negation words
Negation words
With the help of negation words is a statement in the negative:
I have not seen him.
He never arrived.
No one warned me.
The following words are negative words:
no no no no no
never never no one nowhere nowhere
nowhere nowhere not no way (no means)
you can set are classified and described according to their importance and according to their function:
See also:
gain not no way, no way, under any circumstances, by no means
at all, even, absolutely
Limitation not yet, not more
Most negation words can a combination of denial - are described and a concept affirmed ():
person - someone = no one I know of someone.
I do not know anyone.
non-person - something = nothing you have seen something.
anything you saw.
time - ever = never
never Have you ever seen him?
I have never seen him.
site - anywhere anywhere =
have nowhere you the money hidden somewhere.
you have the money hidden anywhere.
origin - somewhere nowhere = The sound comes from somewhere.
The sound is nowhere.
direction - anywhere you go anywhere = anywhere.
you go nowhere.
indefinite articles - a = no He buys a book.
He buys a book.
- = no artikellos He buys books.
He does not buy books.
- yes = no Are you coming? - Yes.
you coming? - No.
not the negation word negates all other aspects, including sweeping the entire statement:
I like you.
I do not like you.
function, the negation words are divided into different classes according to their function in the sentence:
rate equivalent no
pronoun nobody, nobody, nothing
adverb (negative particle) is not, never, never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
Article word no, nothing
Abtönungspartikel (without negative connotation) is not
sentence equivalents
The negation word no takes the place of one of a whole sentence. It is used as a negative answer to a crucial question:
you coming? - No.
Negation words in no way, no way, no way, under no circumstances are by no means obsolete, and the gains of no, that can also stand alone:
you coming? - (No,) no / not / in any case / in no case
The Negationspronomen nobody, nobody / no / no and not take the place of the sentence subject or object. No one stands for people, no / no / none for individuals or non-people, not for non-person: Nobody
/ no / can not help me. I
anyone / have not / have not seen anything.
The Negationspronomen can be extended by attributes (see Satzgliedbau, Pronomengruppe):
He has no one taken from his home village.
We have seen nothing special.
For use by any and see no one and not (a).
adverbs (negation particles)
The adverbs (negation particles) never, never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, not in the set occupy the site of an adverbial:
Temporalbestimmung (when?): Never, never I have never said that.
locating (where?): Nowhere, nowhere I can find the key anywhere.
provenance (where?): He is nowhere nowhere.
direction determination (where?) Anywhere you go nowhere.
General: no I did not say that.
The word is not negation and negation of other particles can also be used contrasting. Then they deny not only lift but also produces a sentence and sentence him to a place in a different, positive statement to:
General: I have not met him.
Contrasting: I have not met him (but his sister).
General: I have never met him.
Contrasting: I've never met him (but always his sister).
See Contrasting denial.
not as a negation of the adjective and past participle:
The negation word can not deny even an adjective or a participle. The field of negation extends not go over the whole sentence, but only on the adjective or the participle. The negative word precedes the negated adjective / participle:
He was the illegitimate son of a count.
At the opening were also many non-invited guests.
the use of "no" as non-contrasting negation
can also include advanced adjectives and participles are denied in this way:
He was not very smart son of a count.
At the opening were not many people invited by the hosts.
The combination of an adjective can not be written separately or together:
the unmarried son or unmarried son
non-conductive materials and non-conductive materials
See spelling, separately and together spelling, content, not + adjective.
Article word
If the pronoun is not used as no substitute pronoun (see above, none), it has the function of a negated indefinite article:
I buy a book. - I buy a book.
It is also used when the noun or noun group in the positive set are artikellos:
I buy books. - I do not buy books.
I drink milk. - I do not drink milk.
To distinguish between a non-no-no and not see (a).
This article is no word can also be used contrasting. See Contrasting denial.
ago substantivized adjectives and pronouns nothing else has the function of an Article word:
There is no good unless you do it.
She has dealt with anything else.
Abtönungspartikel no negative meaning
The negation word can not be used without any negative meaning in exclamations and questions:
What we have not tried everything!
= What we have tried everything! We tried everything.
not someone else can help you? Can
= someone else help you?
It here is not a negation, but rather a Abtönungspartikel that expresses the emotional involvement of the speaker.
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