hear several of David's bravest soldiers that he longs for fresh water. What initially appears very easy is quite complicated. For the wells where there is fresh water is in the camp of their enemies. After more deliberation, they put their lives on the line to David to bring the precious water.
I imagine the facial expression of the soldiers when they are exhausted and bloody in the camp come back, but are incredibly proud of their performance. But when they give the King David the water, he takes it and emptied it on the floor. "This kind of loyalty and devotion," says David, "is due only to the Lord" (2 Samuel 23, 13-17)

David knew that in the heart of these soldiers is a potential for a kind of loyalty and devotion was present that belongs only to God. Therefore, he wisely turned their devotion to God. I imagine that years later their children from this event told.
We build on the ICF Biel new. I am so grateful to each and every woman and every man of the moment ICF Biel comes Nights. It is always encouraging for me to see how true these people are. I love all the considerations and preparations that we make.
"To accomplish great things we" must act not only, but so dream, not only plan, but then believe " - Anatole France
But in everything we do we will never forget one. We share our lives for ICF Biel at risk (time, money, commitment, ...) We put our lives at risk because we know that Jesus put his life for us on the line. We are loyal to him and yield. Therefore, we invest into our ICF Biel with the aim to make Jesus known.
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