At certain moments in life we have left all the time God-given opportunities and chances. Perhaps you are right now a few in mind. But I want you in your personal life and encourage us as ICF Biel. God is greater than the lost possibilities and opportunities. No matter what was in the past, God will calculate the route again and again new for me.
It is similar to a GPS that I use in a car. I enter the destination, the GPS calculates the route and I'm going directly to the target. But sometimes I turn off much too late, I forget to look at the GPS or do I just ignore it. In that moment, I would never say: "Ok, I went wrong and I think now and here. I stay there and never drive over to the destination. " No, there is always a new way to reach your destination. I let the GPS recalculate my route and try again to reach the goal.
God works in a similar manner. He constantly gives me new direction. He never gives me. Even though I am restless and anxious in my heart and leave options and opportunities were lost. God recalculated the route for me and then says to me: "Go ahead".
encouraged me what the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3, 13b says: "I leave what is behind me consciously, concentrate completely on what lies ahead."

Ok, I concentrate completely on the instructions that God gives me, and go forward. He loves for me to calculate a new route to and give me new instructions.
why I say "GO AHEAD ICF BIEL!" God believes in us. It gives us new possibilities and opportunities. He wants to write us with ICF Biel history. Are you ready and opportunity "for God's fame" to use?
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