Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Different Hair Chunks For Brown Hair

Exercise on personal pronouns - nominative

Please use appropriate pronouns in the gaps!

Me: This is my father.
you: He works at Fitzeman.

first I ask: Where does Peter?
You respond: ____ lives in Dessau.

second I ask: Have you seen this woman before?
You answer: _____ No, they've never seen before.

third I ask: Where is the car?
You respond: ______ is still in the garage.
a moment, I'll go to the house.

4th I wonder : Do you know the man?
you answer: Yes, _____ know him.

5th I ask back, enter the book please the professor.
you answer: Yes admit _____ it back to him.

6th I ask: Can you help me?
You respond: I'm sorry, there can not unfortunately help _____.

7th I ask: Where is your sister?
You respond: ____ is going to school.

8th I ask: Where are the student and the student?
You respond: ____ come from Indonesia.

9th I ask: Can the child walk all right?
You respond: No, ____ can not even run well.

10.Ich ask What's wrong with women Resmol?
You respond: ____ has a headache.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Muslim Wedding Card Quotation

introduction to Verbergänzungen

What you should know about Verbergänzungen

The heart of every sentence the verb is a verb alone but has no significance, therefore, requires each verb certain supplements. All verbs must have at least a supplement, but may require several additions.
The most important addition is the nominative complement. In the nominative is always the subject. The subject (= nominative), together with the verb a solid unit. The verb is in turn to the person which is in the nominative, conjugated (person: me, you, he, ... / number: singular, plural) and also provides information on the Tempus:

people sing
Heidi sings.
The children sing.
number (singular / plural)
I sing.
Hubert sings.
Helmut and Hannelore sing.
and tense (tense).
Hubert sings. (Present tense)
Torsten sang. (Perfect)
Frank will sing. (Future tense)

Other verbs can have several enhancements: *

a nominative- and an accusative complement
I love you.
Do you love me too?
a nominative and a dative complement
I help you.
you help me?
a nominative, accusative and a dative-addition
I give you my money.
you give me your money?
a nominative and a prepositional complement
The son is fighting against his father.
I wait for you.

new verbs should be best to immediately get together with their complements. Support, add the following sections, in which the details added be explained.


Friday, September 25, 2009

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forms (Kata Ganti Bentuk)
The forms of personal distinction by person, number and case. In the third person singular is differentiated according to the genus.

singular / Tunggal

first Person / orang pertama

nominative: I
genitive dative my
: I
accusative: I

second Person / Kedua orang

nominative: you
genitive dative your
: dir
accusative: up

third Person / orang ketiga

Masculine nominative: He
genitive dative be
: it
accusative: it

nominative: it
genitive: it
dative: accusative
her: she

neuter nominative: it
genitive dative be
: it
accusative: It

plural / Jamak

first Person / orang pertama

nominative: we
genitive dative our
accusative us: we

second Person / Kedua orang

nominative: genitive her
: dative your
: you
accusative: you

third Person & Hoeflichkeitsform / orang ketiga & Bentuk Hormats (Anda)

Nominativ: sie / Sie
Genitiv: ihr / ihr
dative: ihnen / Ihnen
Akkusativ: sie / Sie

Beispiel 1: Sie-Form; (Siezen) / Form Sincerely

Guten Morgen, Herr Resmol! Wie geht es Ihnen?
Good Morning, Mr. Resmol! How are you?

Danke, mir geht es gut. Und Ihnen? Wie geht es Ihnen, Frau Schmidt?
Thank you, my good news. What about you? How are you, Mrs. Schmidt?

Danke, mir geht's Auch gut.
Thank you, I am also good news. Was machen Sie

denn hier, WENN ich fragen darf?
What are you doing here, if I may ask?
Ich habe hier einen
Einzelunterricht. Und Sie? Was machen Sie hier?
private courses I have here. Your own? What are you doing here?

Hmm, Sie eigentlich unterrichten Meine Tochter.
Well, actually it is you teach my child.

Entschuldigung, was meinen Sie?
Sorry, what do you mean?

Meine Ich, ich bin die Mutter von Lyvia.
I mean, my mother Lyvia.

Beispiel 2: Du-Form; (Duzen) / Form

Hi Andre Du, wie geht es dir?
Hallo Andre, how are you lo?

Sven Danke, mir geht's gut. Und selber?
Thanks Sven, I wrote well. Lo himself how? Mir geht's

nicht so gut.
Gw gak gitu Sehat.

What's the matter with you?
Lo kenapa?

I Gw lagi headache
Kepala sakit

Take it had, aspirin! This helps against headaches.
minum aja aspirin! Ngebantu banget tuh buat ngilangin Kepala sakit. Thanks for your advice

makasih untuk yes anjuran lo.

You're welcome.
Nyantai aja, man!

Other examples:

I see you.
you want to ask you something.
your worries us.
It seems to me not to mind.
He has dreamed of her.
She has dreamed of him.
We learn German in Indonesia

genitive: us (e) rer place and our eu (e) rer your place:

For example:

Masculine & Neuter - Singular / Tunggal article
OF: chair, table, etc. THE
Article: book, cell phone, etc

This is our chair.
This is your table.
This is our book.
This is your cell phone.

Masculine - Plural / Jamak
Article DIE: chairs, tables, books, cell phones, etc.

They are our chairs.
These are your tables.
These are our books.
These are your phones

NB: These forms are not considered by all grammars to be correct, although they also occur relatively frequently in the standard language. You should always Case can be avoided with all:
only: our friend
only: with the help of you all

The personal pronouns belong also the speaker (first person), the listener (second person) and or discussed ( 3rd person).
first Person: I, we
The first person pronoun refers to the speaker or writer. With a single speaker, etc. I / writer is meant. With so we usually several speakers / writers are meant. With

we occasionally (usually in a condescending manner) a person mentioned refer to:

How are we today?
What we have for as employed again!

The first person Plural is sometimes used by a single person:

* The plural Majestatis (plural of majesty) is commonly used by ruling princes in official speeches and writings:

We, Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands by the grace of God [...] post. ..

* The plural modestia (modesty plural) is used by speakers and writers to recede from modesty to oneself:

This brings us to the end of our discussion.

second Person: you, you (polite form Sie)
with the personal pronoun of the 2nd Person is referred to the addressee or the reader. With you, etc. a single listener / reader meant. With it, so more listeners / readers are referred to.

The shapes you and her are confidential. They are used in the family and friends, but also among young people in clubs, organizations, work with colleagues. You name basis with usually children, animals but also saints and divine beings.

The polite form of address is the third person plural, etc. It is the always capitalized. This will be used both for a single person or a few persons.
third Person: he, she, it, they
The personal pronoun of the 3rd Refer to the person or the discussed / described. They describe not only persons but creatures of all kinds, things and abstract concepts.

you stand for a noun and then used, if not a noun in the sentence or in the speech to be repeated:

Hans came. He (instead of John) was very excited.
Where's my tobacco? I have him (instead of my tobacco) has just had yet.
I thought of my parents and they (instead of my parents) immediately called.

The pronouns he, she, it stand for a noun in the singular. In the choice between he, she, and it is usually the grammatical gender and not the natural sex decisive:

you see that girl? Yes I see it.
The subject is male. It will first undergo a medical examination.

The pronoun it performs several other functions in the set are presented separately. See The pronoun it.

The pronoun they (plural) is representative of a noun in the plural. As a courtesy form, it refers to one or more Addressed / reader. In spirit, etc. It is therefore a second Person:

woman Resmol, we welcome you in our school.

Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to our symposium


Thursday, June 25, 2009

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Fishing in Germany

Read the following text and answer the questions then.

In fishing refers to the practice of fishing with a hand line. The Angel in the simplest case of only fishing line and hooks, but generally not from the fishing rod, the reel to roll up the cord and the so-called leader, a cord between main line and hook, which is generally thinner than the main line. As the link between main line and leader are used in most ways to fish vertebrae.

deep-sea fishing to large fish

fishing for large fish (eg sharks, marlin, swordfish) is as Big Game Fishing distinguished from normal marine fish. One fishes often on the principle of Schleppangelns of seagoing motor boats, mostly with local knowledge and local skippers assistants - which is already so vital because the fished fish 100 kilograms and can still be considerably more difficult. How far the Big Game Fishing has share of the declining stocks of fished species is controversial.

is increasingly popular among big game anglers, the so-called "catch and release" in which the fish caught by boat drilled, photographed and released at will. This type of fishing is often seen as animal cruelty, but at least protects the fish stocks.

Partial But here are also attached to the fishing marks for scientific purposes.

is the use of the catch that is caught depends on the motives of the angler and the region in very different ways.

spots include the Caribbean, Cape Verde and the Maldives. For several years, also includes the small island of Ascension in the Atlantic's top districts. The problem is the check-in, which is only possible with the RAF from Brize Norten Military Airport.


When trolling, trolling, or trolling defined as fishing with a fishing rod in a moving boat (motor or muscle-powered), whereby the bait dragged by the speed of the boat starts moving. In this way, preferably predatory fish are caught. In fresh water is fished mainly for pike, lake trout and grouper. In the Baltic, Atlantic salmon, sea trout and cod are caught.


spinning, even spiders called (from English to spin - spin in spirit, swirling, spinning) is a type of fishing, in the mainly lures as spoons, plugs, soft plastic baits (Twister and Shads) or just Spinner be used. Vibration and visual stimuli in obtaining the bait to entice predatory fish to bite. Spin fishing is by boat or from shore practiced from. It is an art in itself, lead to the bait properly, if you insert brief stops or just catching up fast. This method is usually not long remain in one place, but searched the waters for fish beißwillligen.

flying fish

The flying fish is a fishing technique, when used in a rule, a rod without a reel.

The cord is mounted at the top and should not be longer than the rod itself. The tail may have a length of 3 m to 16.5 m. This method is mainly used to fish for coarse fish. To recognize

the bite of a fish clear here, fine swimmer (Also called poses) as a bite indicator.

Furthermore, the fishing line with a shortened version of another popular flying fishing. The line is at the top of a 9 mounted up to 16 feet long rod, extends only to 4 or 5 Part of the most plug-Kopfrute. With a shorter string, usually 1 m over the river bottom, a more accurate guiding the bait is achieved because you can fish directly on a distance 9-13 meters below the rod tip. In order to intercept the flight of the hooked fish is usually a rubber band to the upper 2-3 parts recovered. This assumes the function of a buffer in the drill, similar to the brake while fishing with the stationary part.

Match Fishing

As Matchangler called Angler (s) who participate in organized fishing events to make regulations or stock inventories. It will specifically only certain species of fish (mostly roach, bream and white bream) fished that are not in balance with other species. These fish are killed according to the huntsman-worthy edition to the water or converted into fish-poor waters. This is also targeted by Hege Hege fish or fishing. An international recommendation of the CIPS describes the requirements for fishing gear, fishing time and maximum usable Anfütterungsmittel, bait restrictions. The rod length Match fishing is when limited to 13 meters. The fishing time is usually 3 hours. Most often, you meet here to fish with shorter cord at the Kopfrute. In connection with the match terms such as fishing competition fishing, trophy fishing and the fishing competition will be frequently mentioned. In Germany, the competition fishing is prohibited. Since "Catch and Release" is not permitted in Germany, are increasingly the events of the match anglers fought outside of Germany. Permitted fishing tackle are the Kopfrute, match rod, bits, Bolognese. Since, according to CIPS who runs the pose, the lead must be fishing with the feeder rod on these events is not allowed.

questions Text comprehension:

1) What is Fishing in English?
2) Which fish you can fish in Germany?
3) Name a type of fishing
4) What is the stationary part?
5) What is the name the person who participates in organized fishing events?

The answer then send to me directly: my number is 0151-18628869 indonesiarep@yahoo.de

Ebeth wished you a nice day from Frankfurt

link to the text "Fishing ind Germany"


Friday, May 8, 2009

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Liliana - Test A1

Dear Liliana, please

Click the following link to take the test.

Start German 1 sample set

Written part:



Oral part:

Cordial greetings

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Sollution Of Prime Suspect


================== ========================================

German - English idiomatic phrase A - Z

====================================== ==================== want

only game in town. - To plow a lonely furrow.

showers bring May flowers. - April showers bring forth May flowers.

Too much is unhealthy. - Enough is as good as a feast. Old trees should

not be transplanted. - What can not teach an old dog new tricks.

Age does not protect from foolishness. - There's no fool like an old fool.

also a piece of the pie. - To get on the gravy train.

be on the decline. - To be going downhill.

be on the wrong track. - To bark up the wrong tree.

sit on hot coals. - To be like a cat on hot bricks.

Pride comes before a fall. - Pride comes before the fall.

blind haste, less speed. - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

Since you something nice you've brewed. - You have really let yourself in for it there.

That goes through my mind. - That's way over my head. That's beyond me.

This is money thrown away. - That's throwing good money after bad.

The glow of his eyes spoke volumes. - The light in his eye spoke volumes.

Your wish is my command. - Your wish is my command.

a chip off the old block. - An apple does not fall far from the tree. (U.S.)

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. - The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Dick apply. Serve with large spoon. - To lay something on with a trowel.

swallow the bitter pill. - To swallow the bitter pill.

let the cat out of the bag. - To let the cat out of the bag.

buy a pig in a poke. - To buy a pig in a poke.

look at the daisies. - To be pushing up the daisies.

The shards of happiness. - The shattered remains of our happiness.

stupid have always been lucky. - Fortune favors fools.

Ludo - More haste less speed.

shoot an own goal. - Score from own goal.

One hand washes the other. - One good turn deserves another.

well that ends well. - All's well that ends well.

He simply has not buckled. - He just did not click on it.

He has put itself in a precarious position. - He had let himself out on a limb.

He is just a cog in the machine. - He's only a cog in the machine. He does not fly

harm. - He would not hurt a fly.

weighed first, then dare. - Look before you leap.

It is not gold that glitters. - All that glitters is not gold.

friend in need walk a thousand to one lot. - A friend in need is a friend indeed.

fear that which you can not avoid. - It is foolish to fear That which you can not avoid. Burned children fear the

fire. - Once Bitten Twice Shy.

money is not everything. - Money is not everything.

Did I say something wrong - Have I spoken out of turn?

Here are the ghosts. - This is the parting of the ways.

dogs that bark do not bite. - His bark is worse than his bite.

I'm not a Croesus. - I'm not made of money.

I hang in the air. - I'm in sort of a limbo.

live in dreamland. - To live in a fool's paradise.

bite the bullet. - Bite the bullet.

Is the cat out of the house, dancing the mouse. - When the cat's away the mice will play.

Every Jack has his Jill. - Every Jack will find his Jill.

someone go on the clock. - Drive somebody up the wall.

someone make legs. - To make clear off somebody To make somebody get a move on.

someone put a stop to. - To put a stop to somebody's game.

someone put a leg. - To trip somebody up

someone back on their feet . Help - To help somebody back on his feet.

someone / something take a bead. - To draw a bead on somebody / something.

someone taking the mickey. Someone tying up a bear. - To pull somebody's leg sell

someone stupid. - To make a fool of somebody.

barely able to stand on its own feet. - To be hardly able to stay on one's feet.

a miss is as beside it. - A miss is as good as a mile.

Let's talk action. - Put your money where your mouth is. Better late than never

but better never late. - Better late than never, but better late never.

Locker make money. - To ride the gravy train.

Lies have short legs. - Truth will out.

Make up on your feet - Make tracks!

Make the fly - Beat it!

with both feet on the stand. - To have both feet on the ground.

With one foot in the grave. - To have one foot in the grave.

New brooms sweep better. - A new broom sweeps clean.

Nothing lasts forever. - All good things come to an end.

Take the legs under his arm. - Take to your heels. Without batting an eyelid

. - Without batting of eyelid. Without turning a hair.

Try it and see. - The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Speech is silver, silence is golden. - Speech is silver silence is gold.

pieces bring good luck. - Broken crockery brings you luck.

put yourself in the belt. - To put one's hand to the plow.

you fell down like flies. - They went down like ninepins.

Sing, who added vocals. - Not all who own a lyre are lyre-players.

Constant dripping wears away the stone. - Dripping hollows out rock.

not poke the hive. - Let sleeping dogs lie.

exchange is no robbery. - Fair exchange is no robbery.

full belly does not study much. - You can not study on a full stomach.

What the farmer knows that he does not eat. - You can not change the habits of a lifetime.

What you can do today, do not put off till tomorrow. - A stitch in time saves nine.

What I do not know, does not make me hot. - What the eye does not see the heart can not grieve over.

wine to beer, which I advise you; his beer to wine, leave. - First beer then wine is fine, but wine then beer, oh dear.

who digs a pit for another falls into it himself. - To be hoist with one's own petard.

him that hath shall be given. - Winner takes ave

Like father like son. - Like father like son.

What goes around, comes around. - Tit for tat.

win, vanished Sun - Easy come easy go.

How to bed, now lie in it. - You have made your bed, now you must lie on it.

knowledge is power. - Knowledge is power.

Where there's a will there's a way. - Where there is a will there is a way.

You can not teach an old dog new tricks. - The trees do not grow to the sky.

too many cooks spoil the broth. - Too many cooks spoil the broth (soup).

to reverse it's never too late. - It is never too late to mend.

two birds with one stone. - To kill two birds with one stone.

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books on German-English, in partnership with amazon.de:
D umme sayings , Diana Pyter, Bassermann, 3809417912
evil sayings for every day : 366 liberating thoughts, Dietmar Bittrich, DTV, 3423206764
"I'm broke - with you going?" The Golden Album of the anarchist slogans, Eichborn, 3821849533
level is not a skin cream: neat sayings for every situation, Günther will Ullstein Tb, 3548372260
365 cheeky comments for courageous women, Goldmann, 3442168171
clever answers to stupid comments Killer phrases counter artistically, Antonia Cicero, Junfermann, 3873874555
All the best: Matching words and verses for all Way of life. Birth & Baptism. Birthdays. Wedding. Acknowledgements ..., -, Andrea Press, 3980795179
in love. The most beautiful Verschenk sayings, verses and quotes about love, happiness and relationships, Yvonne Joosten, Humboldt, 3899940970
age does not matter unless you're a red wine: 222 awards for the young at heart, Kathryn Petras, Coppenrath, Münster, 381577070X
The slightly more intelligent way to fight against stupid comments , Barbara Berckhan, Heyne, 3453188780

idiomatic phrases German English


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Japan Beauty Standards


Negation The negation

Negation is the negation of a statement. This is in the sentence is expressed in the negative (negated). There are various linguistic means for the negation of statements. These agents include words such as negation, no, no, no, never, no one

etc. There are different types of negation words: you can make one's own testimony, for example, in response to a question.

Want some ice cream? - No.

Other negation words in the sentence as a pronoun or as adverbs used:

I have not seen anyone.
I have never met him.

with negation words, a sentence be denied the board as a whole:

I have not seen him.

With the help of intonation, word order and sentence context, the negative part of the record are highlighted. In this case, the selected part to a corresponding part is compared with a positive statement:

I have not seen him (but I've seen someone else)

This kind of negation is called contrasting negation (a contrast generating negative).

The negative is described in the following aspects:

negation words What words is in the negative?
Contrasting denial are as highlighted phrases in denial?
word order Where are the negation of words in the sentence?
double negation What do two negatives in one sentence? Other means of expression are
What types of negation is negation in addition to the words?


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other means of expression

Negation: other means of expression

statements can be negated by a negation not only using words. The language also provides other means of expression, that a statement can be negated. For example:

conjunctions without that, instead of, nor
prepositions without, except, instead
prefixes and suffixes, un-, ill-,-los
unreal conditional and optative sentences if you had been right to deny
verbs with nay importance refuse


conjunctions like without, without, (to) take that, (on) rather than the exception that neither them nor guide implicitly a negated statement

He unwraps the gift, without saying thank you.
~ He unwraps the gift. + He thanked not.

your lying in bed, rather than you work.
~ is in your bed. + You work not.

The film is neither exciting nor interesting.
~ The movie is not exciting and not interesting.

prepositions prepositions can have a negative meaning. These are like prepositions (to) take, instead, except, without, regardless.

I drink my coffee without sugar.
~ I take no sugar in the coffee.

He came instead of his brother
~ His brother did not come, but he has come.

I have read all his books except the last.
~ I've read all his books, but I have not read his last

prefixes and suffixes

With certain prefixes and suffixes can be answered in the negative terms are formed. For example: * un-

This message is unpleasant.
= This message is not pleasant.

* miss-
His behavior we dislike.
= His behavior does not like us.
The prefix-added but often miss the importance of false, inadequate (misunderstand me wrong =).

* a-, des-, dis-, in-
The drawing style is atypical (= not typical) for a comic.
These youths come from a disharmonious (= not harmonious) family.
He introduced us to many indiscreet (= not discrete) questions. *

your company was unsuccessful.
= your companies trying had no success.
He looks at her speechless.
~ He looked at her and not talking.

unreal conditional sentence in the subjunctive and counterfactual request Set

With the subjunctive indicates that a conditional sentence or a request set is unreal. In this sense, including the negative with the subjunctive a statement:

you you would like to attend if they had time.
-> They will not visit because you do not have time.

Would you look right, you had it for a long time found.
-> because you can not really looking for, you have not found it.

he were still here!
-> He is not here.

verbs with nay importance

Some verbs have a semantic element that denies the following clause, without the denial that there is expressed. These are verbs such as deny deny, prohibit prevent, refuse:

it denies to have committed the crime.
~ You said that they did not commit the crime.

He refuses to return the borrowed money. He will not return ~
the borrowed money.


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The word order of negation words

The word order of negation words

is the position of negation words in a sentence also depends on their function:

pronoun nobody no / no / no, nothing
Article word no
adverb (negative particle) is not, never, never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no way, no way, no way


The Negationspronomen nobody, nobody / no / no and do not take the position of the subject or an object. So these both before they can stand in the middle:

No / no / can not help me.
I can no / no / not help.

I did not see anything.
I have not seen.

Article word

The negative item no word has the status of an item word, that it stands as an attendant at the beginning of a noun group:

I do not buy books.
I do not buy old books.
I have not seen some unknown people. See

noun group, word order.

If no contrasting negation, it is also before the noun group. Emphasis and a sentence to indicate that it is a contrasting negation is:

I do not buy new books (but CDs).
I do not buy new books (but antiquarian books).

adverb (negative particle)

The position of the words used as adverbial negation depends in part on whether they as a blanket, not contrasting negation or contrasting negation are used (see Contrasting negation): As a non

contrasting denial they have a tendency towards the end of the sentence are to:

I do not read this book.
I have not read this book.

See more presence as not contrasting negation

When contrasting negation they stand before the sentence, which they emphasize:

I do not read this book (but another).
I have never read this book (but another).

see no further role as contrasting negation

addition, not all used as adverbial negation words alone in the run are:

Never / he has never listened to me.
nowhere / anywhere we could talk undisturbed.
help is nowhere to be expected. Nowhere can you escape

NOT: Do not I read this book.

The negation word can not stand only together with another member of the sentence in the first place. It is then a contrasting negation:

Not this book I have read (but another).


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applies in modern standard German, the occurrence of two negatives in a sentence rather than strengthen the negation. The two negatives cancel each other: I never

no complaints.
I still have any complaints.
not = I have never had any complaints.

the keys I can never find anywhere else.
I can find the key somewhere.
not = I can never find the key somewhere.

No one has not accepted the invitation.
All have accepted the invitation.
= not Nobody accepted the invitation.
He did not warn you
for nothing.
= He has for you something (better: for good reason) warned.

is often a relative with the double negation related before combination. It consists of the negation word not a word with a negative meaning. Such combinations have the importance of a cautious affirmation: I do not

= I do quite like.

He does not look bad.
= He looks pretty good.

you followed the call is not without interest. =
the conversation followed with some interest.

A special kind of double negation are combinations of one said no law and one with not denied, that before, before, or initiated by the subordinate clause. The clause is a condition rather than a set of clauses::

I pay nothing until I get a detailed statement.
= I pay when I receive a detailed statement.

See Time clauses, Negates with conditional meaning: before, before to.


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The contrasting negation

The contrasting negation
The contrasting negation

In contrasting negative is the refusal to understand that highlights the denied proposition a set of special and he faced a similar phrase in a positive statement:

non contrasting negation I have not seen him. - I have seen him
Contrasting denial I have not seen him. - I've seen his sister.

The contrasting negation is characterized by a particular word order and a particular emphasis. The negative word precedes the highlighted portion (see word order), and the highlighted portion is emphasized:

I have not seen him (but his sister).

The stress (or written language of a sentence) is important because the word order may not specify more clearly whether it is a contrasting negation is and - if so - what part of the sentence is highlighted:

non contrasting negation He has no red car purchased.
Contrasting He negation does not buy a red car (but a green).
He has purchased a red car (but a red motorcycle).

The contrasting negation can highlight all the parts of a sentence, parts of members of sentences, and sometimes even parts of words:

He has not paid his grandson a book but a CD.
We have never had with the new car, but always with the old.
The cafe is not available, but behind the station. You shall
matters shall not, unload it.

Note: In other grammars uses a superficially similar concept: This kind of negation is "special negation" or "word negation", and the only negative part of the sentence. The "special negation" is the "negation of sentence" to which negates the whole sentence.


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Negation words

Negation words
Negation words

With the help of negation words is a statement in the negative:

I have not seen him.
He never arrived.
No one warned me.

The following words are negative words:

no no no no no
never never no one nowhere nowhere
nowhere nowhere not no way (no means)

you can set are classified and described according to their importance and according to their function:


See also:

gain not no way, no way, under any circumstances, by no means
at all, even, absolutely
Limitation not yet, not more

Most negation words can a combination of denial - are described and a concept affirmed ():

person - someone = no one I know of someone.
I do not know anyone.
non-person - something = nothing you have seen something.
anything you saw.
time - ever = never
never Have you ever seen him?
I have never seen him.
site - anywhere anywhere =
have nowhere you the money hidden somewhere.
you have the money hidden anywhere.
origin - somewhere nowhere = The sound comes from somewhere.
The sound is nowhere.
direction - anywhere you go anywhere = anywhere.
you go nowhere.

indefinite articles - a = no He buys a book.
He buys a book.
- = no artikellos He buys books.
He does not buy books.
- yes = no Are you coming? - Yes.
you coming? - No.

not the negation word negates all other aspects, including sweeping the entire statement:

I like you.
I do not like you.

function, the negation words are divided into different classes according to their function in the sentence:

rate equivalent no
pronoun nobody, nobody, nothing
adverb (negative particle) is not, never, never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere
Article word no, nothing
Abtönungspartikel (without negative connotation) is not

sentence equivalents

The negation word no takes the place of one of a whole sentence. It is used as a negative answer to a crucial question:

you coming? - No.

Negation words in no way, no way, no way, under no circumstances are by no means obsolete, and the gains of no, that can also stand alone:

you coming? - (No,) no / not / in any case / in no case


The Negationspronomen nobody, nobody / no / no and not take the place of the sentence subject or object. No one stands for people, no / no / none for individuals or non-people, not for non-person: Nobody

/ no / can not help me. I
anyone / have not / have not seen anything.

The Negationspronomen can be extended by attributes (see Satzgliedbau, Pronomengruppe):

He has no one taken from his home village.
We have seen nothing special.

For use by any and see no one and not (a).

adverbs (negation particles)

The adverbs (negation particles) never, never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, not in the set occupy the site of an adverbial:

Temporalbestimmung (when?): Never, never I have never said that.
locating (where?): Nowhere, nowhere I can find the key anywhere.
provenance (where?): He is nowhere nowhere.
direction determination (where?) Anywhere you go nowhere.
General: no I did not say that.

The word is not negation and negation of other particles can also be used contrasting. Then they deny not only lift but also produces a sentence and sentence him to a place in a different, positive statement to:

General: I have not met him.
Contrasting: I have not met him (but his sister).

General: I have never met him.
Contrasting: I've never met him (but always his sister).

See Contrasting denial.

not as a negation of the adjective and past participle:

The negation word can not deny even an adjective or a participle. The field of negation extends not go over the whole sentence, but only on the adjective or the participle. The negative word precedes the negated adjective / participle:

He was the illegitimate son of a count.
At the opening were also many non-invited guests.
the use of "no" as non-contrasting negation

can also include advanced adjectives and participles are denied in this way:

He was not very smart son of a count.
At the opening were not many people invited by the hosts.

The combination of an adjective can not be written separately or together:

the unmarried son or unmarried son
non-conductive materials and non-conductive materials
See spelling, separately and together spelling, content, not + adjective.

Article word

If the pronoun is not used as no substitute pronoun (see above, none), it has the function of a negated indefinite article:

I buy a book. - I buy a book.

It is also used when the noun or noun group in the positive set are artikellos:

I buy books. - I do not buy books.
I drink milk. - I do not drink milk.

To distinguish between a non-no-no and not see (a).

This article is no word can also be used contrasting. See Contrasting denial.

ago substantivized adjectives and pronouns nothing else has the function of an Article word:

There is no good unless you do it.
She has dealt with anything else.

Abtönungspartikel no negative meaning

The negation word can not be used without any negative meaning in exclamations and questions:

What we have not tried everything!
= What we have tried everything! We tried everything.

not someone else can help you? Can
= someone else help you?

It here is not a negation, but rather a Abtönungspartikel that expresses the emotional involvement of the speaker.


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Negation Separable and inseparable verbs

Negation The negation

Negation is the negation of a statement. This is in the sentence is expressed in the negative (negated). There are various linguistic means for the negation of statements. These agents include words such as negation, no, no, no, never, no one

etc. There are different types of negation words: you can make one's own testimony, for example, in response to a question.

Want some ice cream? - No.

Other negation words in the sentence as a pronoun or as adverbs used:

I have not seen anyone.
I have never met him.

with negation words, a sentence be denied the board as a whole:

I have not seen him.

With the help of intonation, word order and sentence context, the negative part of the record are highlighted. In this case, the selected part to a corresponding part is compared with a positive statement:

I have not seen him (but I've seen someone else)

This kind of negation is contrasting negation (a Contrast-building called denial).

The negative is described in the following aspects:

negation is negated words
What words?

Contrasting denial
How are highlighted phrases in denial?

word order
Where are the negative words in the sentence?

double negation
What do two negatives in one sentence?

other means of expression
What types of negation in addition to the negation of words?


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Separable verbs are the words of a separate work. While untrennbare Verben are words that do not work separately. If you make a sentence with a separate verb, then the prefix must be separated and placed at the end of the verb, except in sentences using the verb capital ( Modalverb ). Referred to as separate is, writing the prefix of these words. Not all prefixes should be separated from the verb base. But all the prefix, whether written separately or apart, have different meanings to the word base.

Zum Beispiel:
In basic words: kommen = come

Ich komme um 07:30 UHR
I arrived at 07.30.

If given prefix: an, mit, be, etc.. will lead to new understanding of each word.

Zum Beispiel:


ankommen = Er kommt um 08:00 UHR an .
He arrived at 8

mitkommen = join

Wir Fahren morgen nach Bekasi. Kommst du mit ?
Tomorrow we will go to the Bekasi. Are you coming?

Both these verbs are verbs separately, therefore, the writing of the prefix "an" and "mit" placed at the end of the sentence.

But there are also types of verbs are not separate. This means writing the prefix has not changed. Only the verb meaning that are different tersebuit verb base.

Zum Beispiel:
kommen = come

bekommen = get

Grecg be kommt eine Eins in Mathe
Grecg scored one in mathematics.

bekommen = ordering

In the restaurant, the service usually asks: Was bekommen Sie


That means: You want what message?

Separation prefix in the verb alone or trennbare Verben, apply on line:

1) Statement

Irene steht jeden Tag um auf 9:00 UHR. Irene
wake up every day at 9

2) Sentence Commands

Irene, steh jetzt auf !
Irene, wake up !

3) The sentence asked the question words

Um wieviel UHR auf steht morgens Irene ? What time
Irene get up every morning?

4) The sentence asked without question words

Noch Steht sie nicht auf ?
Is he awake yet?

prefix changes or the location last written to the four types of sentences above, differ in that the use kalamat modalverb .

Zum Beispiel:

Irene muss jeden Tag um 08:00 UHR stehen auf.
Irene had to get up every day at eight

======================================== ========================
From the description above, hopefully you can have an idea of a separate verb and verb do not separate. Reference to distinguish the two types of verb is to recognize the prefix.

Let us learn the prefix of the verb separately, here!

ab = off, down
abholen = to pick up
abnehmen = to take off

an = at, on
anfangen = to start, begin
anrufen = to call, telephone
anziehen = to put on, dress

auf = up
aufhören = to stop
aufräumen = to clean up
aufstehen = to get up, stand up

aus = out
ausgehen = to go out
aussehen = to look, Appear

on = remote-in, buy into
asleep = to shop
= to fall asleep

= TV far
= continue to watch TV

= away go away
= to leave, go away

forth, 'hither', to fetch here
come to fetch = to come back from

= 'thither', stand up to there
= to place, put

bring with = with, along
= come to bring along
= to come along
think to take along to take = to =

= to think, reflect demand
= to inquire, to ask after

= around, at
plan to look = to look around

before = before
= to have planned
introduce = to introduce

by = by,
past come = to come by

away = away go away
= to go away, leave
away = to take away

to = to listen, closed = to listen
close = to close

back = back
return = to give back
come back = to come back

together are together
together = to come together

Kata Kerta tidak terpisah (inseparable verbs)

Jika kata kerja dalam AWALAN terpisah ditulis terpisah, letaknya selalu diakhir sentence, then the prefix does not separate the verb is not separated. The verb of this kind, written just like you make sentences using the verb base:

kommen = come
Ich komme heute nicht / I do not come today.

bekommen = get
Wer bekommt heute einen Brief? / Who got a letter today?

stören = interrupt
Entschuldigung, store ich Dich? / Excuse me, do I disturb you?

zerstören = destroy / burn down
zerstört unsere Wohnung Das Feuer. Fire
they burned down our house

Zerstör die Wohnung!
Destroy the house!

Feuer Das kann unsere Wohnung zerstören.
fire could destroy our house.

prefix in the verb are not separated, mespikipun not written separately but have the semantics of the word stress in Indonesian tersebut.Dalam we know the word "burn", in German means: feuern or can also Feuer geben Lassen. But the word certainly does not burn you can use, if you want to say something more than just burn yana, for example: Das Feuer

zerstört unsere Wohnung. The fire was
our house burned down

Beriktu some prefix that if you find initiate a basic verb that you have met before, then certainly these verbs, merupakan kata kerja tidak terpisah.

For example:

be = makes a verb answer transitive = to answer (a question) visit
or turns action towards object = get to visit
= get to receive,

ent, emp = beginning of action miss = to escape
or separation receive = to receive

er = stress on outcome do = know to experience
or accomplishment = to recognize

ge = result, use win completeness or = to win or gain
successful action = to use up, consume

miss = same as English 'mis-' = to misunderstand misunderstand abuse
= To abuse

ver = action of the verb has to oversleep
verschlafen = miscarried (BUT NOT ALWAYS!) Verlaufen = to go astray

Zer = asunder, apart zerbrechen = break into pieces to
zerstören = to destroy

= ================================================== ====================
Here are some exercises to make you the master of this theme. Good practice! Bitte bilden Sie


1. Wir / vorbeikommen / heute / um 10:00 Uhr

___________________________________________________ 2. when / you have / get up /?
third we / / win the football game.
4th Irene, / clean / your room!
5th Mr. Resmol visit / / me / please / you!
6th / You watch TV / now?
7th / See you / him?
8th why / return / me / my laptop / not / you
9th du / pass / this afternoon / Clock by 12?
10th Dinda / in the evening / arrive alone / / yesterday
11th what / pay / now / you?
12th Grecg / sleep / night against Central / first
13th sell / / brains / the / I / Internet
14th miss / you / never / me / why / here?
15th du / German Teachers / Me / a / recommended / good?

online practice:

Did you still want to do more exercises on this subject? Then make these online exercises!

Separable verbs and untrenbare:

Exercise 1 / / Exercise 2 / / Exercise 3 / / Exercise 4 / / Activity 5

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

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adjectives with prepositions - Exercise 1c

================================ ====================================
Part A: What fits adjective?
================================================= ===================

first The student is still dependent on his parents' money / happiness.

second The hot weather was for the hotel guests do not feel comfortable / used to.

third Mr. Fitzeman is highly regarded for its employees / annoying.

4th The pensioner has gone on for three years dependent on others / friends.

5th Why are you on your son so excessively annoying / known?

6th The Peters are close friends with the pop singer / popular.

7th We were very excited about this game / know.

8th Reinhard is known everywhere for his silly sayings / ready.

9th Mr. Resmol, for all students very friendly / popular.

10.The old man is now ready to die / involved.

=============================================== =====================
Part B: Which preposition fits? Choose!
================================================= =================== \\ \\
================================= ===================================

first The mechanic is repairing a machine employs ____.

second Were you also involved ____ this nonsense?

third ____ Are you also worried climate change?

4th The young woman is so scared ____ become pale.

5th Why are you ____ me angry like that?

6th ____ Your help I am very grateful to you.

7th Our older son is the baby scary ____ jealous

8th ____ Are the result most employees do not agree.

9th ____ Good grades of the students is miles away.

10th The penalty was ___ the defeat decisively.

11th We were all horrified ____ his evil words.

12th The company is disappointed ____ the development of business.

13th ____ We are the product of more than pleased.

14th _____ The teaching of the new German teacher is really not suitable.

15th ____ Have you ever done your homework?

=============================================== =====================
Part C: What fits adjective?
================================================= ===================

popular / / suitable / / pleased / delighted

surprised / / friendly / / clamped

Capable / / Done / /


============================================ ========================

first The criminal is probably all to ____.

second Of the result we are more than ____.

third The audience is about the good play of their team ____.

4th A wounded animal is to all ____.

5th Have you been with your homework ____?

6th Your new friend is really all your friends ____.

7th I passed exam on your very ____.

8th For this work the new employee is really not ____.

9th I'm on Grecgs new girlfriend really ____.

10.Bei all children are chocolates and sweets very ________.


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adjectives with prepositions - Exercise 1b

Teil A:

1.beschäftigt ____ + Dat

2.angenehm _____ + Akk

3.böse ____ + Akk

4.angesehen _____ + Dat

5.fähig ____ + Dat

6.ärgerlich _____ + Akk

7.angewiesen _____ + GAC

8.befreundet That ____ + ____ +

9.begeistert That

10.bekannt ____

+ GAC + GAC 11.erstaunt ____

12.fähig That ____ + ____ +

13.fertig That

14.freundlich That

____ + ____ + GAC 10.geeignet

11.gespannt ____ + AKK

12.gewöhnt ____ + GAC

13.gewöhnt ____

+ GAC + GAC 14.glücklich ____

15.beliebt ____ + Dat

Teil B:

1.bereit ____ + Dat

2.geeignet ____ + Akk

3.beunruhigt ____ + Akk

4.gespannt ____ + Akk

5.böse ____ + Akk

6.dankbar ____ + AKK

7.eifersüchtig ____
8.entscheidend ____

9.entschlossen That

____ + ____ + GAC 10.entsetzt

11.einverstanden That ____ + ____ +

12.entfernt That

13.enttäuscht That
____ + ____ + GAC

15.froh ____ + GAC

==== ================================================== ======


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adjectives with prepositions - Exercise 1a

Teil A:

1.abhängig _____ + Dat

2.angenehm _____ + Akk

3.angesehen _____ + Dat

4.angewiesen _____ + Akk

5.ärgerlich _____ + Akk

6.befreundet ____ + Dat

7.begeistert ____ + Dat

8.bekannt ____ + Akk

9.beliebt ____ + Dat

10.bereit ____ + Dat

Teil B:

1.beschäftigt ____ + Dat

2.beteiligt ____ + Dat

3.beunruhigt ____ + Akk

4.blass ____ + Dat

5.böse ____ + Akk

6.jdm. + grateful ____ Akk

7.eifersüchtig 8.einverstanden ____ + Akk

____ + Dat

9.entfernt ____ + Dat

10.entscheidend ____ + Akk

= ================================================== =========

Part C: ==================================

1.entschlossen + ____ That

2.entsetzt ____ + GAC

3.enttäuscht + ____ That

4.erfreut ____ + GAC

5.erstaunt ____ + AKK

6.fähig + ____ That

7.fertig + ____ That

8.freundlich + ____ That

9.froh ____ + GAC

10.geeignet ____ + GAC

11.gespannt ____ + GAC

12.gewöhnt ____ + Akk

13.glücklich ____ + Akk

================================= ===========================

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adjectives with prepositions (1) Katherine

love Katherine,

please keep in mind now what you have learned today. Here again the list of Beispielsaetzen.

dependent + Dat

The student is still dependent on his parents' money.

pleasantly hot for + Akk
The Weather was for the hotel guests do not feel comfortable.

viewed at + Dat

Mr. Fitzeman is highly regarded for its employees.

need + Acc
The pensioner has gone on for three years dependent on outside help.

angry at + Akk
Why are you on your son so inordinately angry?

friends with Dat +

The Peters are with the pop singer close friends.

enthusiastic about + Dat

We were thrilled by this game.

known for Reinhard + Akk

everywhere for its stupid sayings known.

popular with + Dat
Resmol Lord, for all pupils very popular.

ready to + Dat
The old man is now ready to die.

with busy + Dat
The mechanic is repairing a machine busy.

to participate + Dat

Were you involved in this nonsense?

concerned about accreditation +

If you are also concerned about climate change?

pale before + Dat

The young woman has become pale from fear.

angry + Akk

Why are you doing to me so bad?

sb. + grateful for accreditation

for your help, I am extremely grateful to you.

jealous + Akk

Our older son is incredibly jealous of the baby

agree with + Dat
The result is not most people agree.

from + Dat
of good grades of the students is miles away.

critical + Akk

The penalty was crucial to the defeat.

determined to + Dat
The criminal is probably relentless.

appalled + Akk

We were all shocked by his evil words.

disappointed + Dat
The company is disappointed by the recent course of business.

+ Akk

pleased about the result we are more than pleased.

surprised + Akk
Audiences are amazed at the good game of their team.

capable + Dat
A wounded animal is capable of anything.

finished + Dat
Have you already finished with your homework?

friendly to + Dat
Your new friend is really friendly to all your friends.

happy about + Akk
I'm very happy about your passed exam.

suitable for + Akk
for this work, the new employee is really not suitable.

curious + Akk

I'm really excited Grecgs new girlfriend.

accustomed to + Akk
The animals are not accustomed to the extreme heat.

happy + Akk
The coach is on the point profit on the BVB very happy.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

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----- Original Message ----- From
: Katherine Wiriadinata
To: mr Ebeth yahoo; resmol Ebeth
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 6:39 PM
Subject: valentine's day VALENTINE'S DAY

On 14 February we celebrate Valentine's day either with family or with friends. What do you do that? Many gifts, flowers, chocolate and red light is giving you are. It always has to do with love. I always see the couple, the couple, the children and their Muti and her father, to love, especially in Valentine's Day.

Before dealing with this notion, we must erkälaren the Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is a day that we agreed his favorite person love. He is also a day on which you may not be any evil. The situation has ever special way to express their love.

The couple has their own way they will express their love. Most of the women cook for their men as something taste good, and particularly kitchen or they give him a surprise presents. The couple has one other case like the couple. Before a couple comes to a relationship, says the young girls and asked his feelings in a special case, the girl whether she wants to be in a relationship with him. The boy, who is already in a relationship buys, sometimes the flowers for his favorite girlfriend, and go to dinner.

are in friendship to the most chocolate. There is chocolate everywhere in my school. No matter who you are, the chocolate boy and girl, are all the same in friendship. In one family the parents love their children as sweet as with no money to pay. Love is so valuable wünderschon and by parents. For this reason we remember our parents. J

is that in my country. A very wünderschoner days makes us the joy, the smile, and pleasing.

=============================================== ===================
============================================== ====================

----- Original Message ----- From
: Katherine Wiriadinata
To: mr Ebeth yahoo; resmol Ebeth
Sent : Saturday, February 14, 2009 5:42 PM
Subject: Valentine's Day


On 14 February we celebrate Valentine's day either with family or with friends. What do you do that? Many gifts, flowers, chocolate and all that is bright red gift you are. It always has to do with love. I always see couple, couples, children and Muti and her dad, to love, especially on Valentine's Day.

Before we deal with the concept, we have to explain the Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is a day when one shows his loved one true love. He is also a day on which you may not be any evil. The situation has ever special way to express their love.

The couple has their onw way they want to express their love. Most of the women cook for their husbands as some tasty food and delicious cuisine, or they give them a surprise presents. The couples have to express in another way, their partners, their feelings. Before a pair to a solid relationship is, the boy tells the girl his feelings and asks the girl if it would go along with it. The level accepted by his girl boy buys his Schatzi flowers and goes to a romantic dinner.

friendship to give you most of the chocolate. There is chocolate everywhere in my school. No matter who you are treated the chocolate boy and girl, all the same: good friendship. In one family the parents love their children as sweet as with no money to pay. Love is so valuable Magnificent and by parents. For this reason, we often remind us of our parents J

's how it is in my home country. A very wünderschoner day we make the joy of ridiculous and enjoyable.


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Valentine Valentine Valentine's Day Sayings

Valentine Sayings by Katherine ...

----- Original Message ----- From
: Katherine Wiriadinata
To: mr Ebeth yahoo; resmol Ebeth
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 5:55 PM
Subject: Valentine Sayings

first Without you I'm stupid, so stand beside me!
second Think of me, then you'll see a love
third You're not in my heart, but you are my heart
4th You're not in my en thoughts, you are my e Thoughts
5th I would not reach your hands if you go go, because I would die.

=============================================== =================

Have you also Valentine sayings?

not wait long!

they send me now!


Friday, February 13, 2009

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love Fitzgerald's students,
Valentine's Day is the best day of a loved one to say how glad you got it . I'll start ever on to you!

- Your Fitzeman Team -

======================================== =====================

Valentine Quotes - Sayings for Valentine's Day

This rose is for you, you say THINKING OF YOU! Best wishes for Valentine's Day!

're in my little heart you always in it, so I think of you also to St. Valentine.

instead roses, violets, Christmas star, I'll send you only "Dreaming of you"! Have a nice Valentine's Day!

my whole heart I will give you are, the Valentine flowers by me. It is a dear, little greeting, full of love and NEM big kiss.
HAPPY VALENTINE! Feel embraced very sweet. Bussi!

Hey You! Will you be my valentine?
You are the sun that warmed my heart on cold days. You are the star that lit my dark nights. You are the love of my life, my Valentine You!
The head is empty, the stomach is full. - Man, I find the great Valentine's Day.

Valentin is the best day, if you love loves flowers.
But because I have no flowers for you, I tell you only that I like you. Best regards ...

This Valentine Bouquet here is a token of love from me. I hope it helps to think of me and will give you joy, happiness and love.

Here is someone of thinks of you and sends you in this moment of a valentine to your mobile phone. Your secret admirer!

Little brat, be forever my darling, I'll give my heart for Valentine's Day and share with you every joy and every pain.

Without grief I fall into a love of slumber. Without pain, I think of you, my valentine heart. Many kisses, I love you!

Greetings to you, my oh-so-distant dear one, you my favorite grape tree cone. Sending you my heart for Valentine's Day greeting, it finally believe how much I love you! Best wishes to
Valentine's Day from someone who made you happy!

St. Valentine's Day, you know it already, is the patron saint of love. He is the growing of our love, during the day and in the dark night.

Sometimes I can not believe it,
that we fit well together,
You make me happy and glad.
For that I thank you with this little poem
- Valentine's Day joy and light.

I wish every day but not combined with you, to pamper you and show you how much I love you. Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you so much that I just have to ask yourself: Will you be my valentine? If so, give me a kiss!

Valentin out, Valentin here, I love you and Valentin's more! For Valentin
I always bring flowers. But unfortunately I do not have the dough this time, we still celebrate a party?

There are girls who are not like but great! - Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine, Valentine, I am now dear to you, for you have ne orange, and we eat with me.

I am always sweet and nice, but today is Valentine's Day and I would like you all day in bed with me!

Now it's your turn to formulate your Valentine's sayings!

first ___________________________________________________________
second ___________________________________________________________
third ___________________________________________________________
4th ___________________________________________________________
5th ___________________________________________________________

Are not Fitzgerald's Schuelerinnen or school? No problem ... Valentine's Day is for everyone!

Join my but!

Best regards,

your team is


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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flowers for all

The company Fleurop a flower delivery. It provides for 100 years bouquets in the world. Carsten Floeter from Berlin boss is a flower shop. He also works as Fleurop messenger. When the headquarters Fleurop calls him, he ties a bunch and bring him to the person who will be surprised with the flowers - whether at home or out at the bus stop. Founded Fleurop in September 1908. The idea had the Florist Max Hübner. He wanted the flowers arrive fresh to the people.
why should not the bouquets themselves, but simply the orders are sent. Namely at local flower shops, which then - make the customers with fresh flowers a delight - like Carsten Floeter from Berlin.


White symbolizes purity and elegance, with pink can be expressed romantic feelings, yellow stands for joy, however. Previously, a code for the flowers, say what you wanted, but did not dare to put into words. Today, it speaks through the flower still very stylish, and flowers will be delivered almost anywhere.

Blumenbote I like because there's just always fun to make people happy - with flowers, they laugh to see, to look forward to, and gives a great feeling.

SPEAKER: The Berlin
florist Flower Factory. Carsten Floeter has been here 15 years, the boss. He still binds every bouquet full of devotion. This here is the same person be surprised. Karsten Flöter Fleurop business is part of the network. So he turns himself into a Fleurop messenger. All orders that are in the area to deliver his flower shop, he gets the call from Fleurop-center. In most cases, it must then go very fast.

I'm here, yes, as far as I know, have a bouquet for a man of his wife, and as I imagine that just got married, and so is the bouquet of white Sun And it would surprise him stop, and that is up to 16 clock there, so I have to hurry.

Wuttje, the Flower Factory, I have a Fleurop flower bouquet for you.

Oh, how do I get the honor?

Well, you have to ask the client.

Thank you!

Bye, good day!

At the beginning of the 20th Century, says it like flowers. And thus arriving nice and fresh, has the Berlin Florist Max Hübner an idea. In September 1908 he sent flowers from his business not to travel to Potsdam, but simply Job to a friend of local florists. The flower delivery is established.

time it was really the case that were sent from Berlin to Moscow, for example, flowers or even to Rome. And one can imagine that these supplies that arrived by parcel then and certainly not as fast as today, some were a bit wilted. And who said we do it differently - was a brilliant idea.

Fleurop, a nonprofit corporation, is a huge success. Worldwide, close to 50 000 florists in the network. For many years, Fleurop all alone on the market. Today, other companies to send bunches of flowers. In Fleurop every eight seconds a bouquet goes on a journey. Carsten Floeter also has another job. He surprised a girl right next to the bus stop.

Hello, are you Hannah?


Ah, great, I have a few Fleurop flowers for you.

thank you.

There you go. Bye, have fun with it!

Part 1:

1) What do you vermuetest the substantive text, if you read the title of the text?

2) Before you can hear the text solve, contact the following task:
bring the spare parts in a useful order!
a) ... delivers many flower shops ...
b) The company Fleurop ...
c) is a network ...
d) ... flowers everywhere.
e) ... all over the world.

3) Compare your guess with the right listening text.

Part 2: Text Comprehension

1) Who or what do you hear?
2) How is the man?
3) Who is he?
4) What does he do every day?
5) What does he concern itself?
6) We do you deliver the flowers?
7) What is a Blumenbote?
8) What does the man?
9) What are you thinking when you 'bouquets' hear?
10) How do clients get the honor? What has answered the man?
11) What is the name of the man who provides clients with Floral?
12) What do a client?
13) What's Florist?
14) What Synonim of "shipping" is?
15) How the customer gets his flowers?
16) Who gives whom the order?
17) Which of the following statements is correct? (Multiple answers are correct)
a) White is a symbol of good humor.
b) Fleurop delivers flowers to go home.
c) Karsten Floeter makes people happy with flowers a delight.
d) Max Hübner had the idea for sending flowers.
e) Only the company Fleurop sent bouquets of flowers.

Part 3: Article writing
How is it in your home country? Add your ideas and opinions on the following points:
business-management-customer orientation

-price and regular customers, competitors

-What is the Gaschaeft in the future? You judge your opinion!

---------------- Min. 250 words !!--------------------

answers from Katherine:

Part 1:

I suspect that the topic of Valentine's day comes. In INHAT text it may be that flowers not only for women or girls or daughter, but also for men. Although men to women mostly give the flowers, the flowers are for everyone.

Part 2:

first I've heard a little conversation between the report with the chief Carsten Floeter
second Carsten Floeter
third a chef in flowers Fleurop network
4th He gets a lot of phone and to be quick to deliver the flowers
5th he employs 6th with the delivery of flowers
The dispatch function so that the flowers are always fresh and delivered quickly. The flowers are not always delivered from Potsdam, but in order * friendly tourist spot
7th Blumenbote is like a flower delivery
8. The man says that the flowers do always fast and a surprise come
9th I think of the Blumenbote in the street
10th He is very polite and greeted with the honor. the man''as a surprise, then quickly answered''
11th Amutee
12th a client makes a flower delivery to the person the flowers will have to
13th Florist, Ludwig Angelina, the president of south Germany, which also makes a flower delivery 14th
Shipping = Blumenbote
15th by someone on the street
16th The boss is someone who wants to make a delivery
17th c, d, a

Part 3:

Today flowers are very beautiful especially in the Valentines Day. How to make joy the flowers? There are many ways of the word''flower''joy to make. In my country there is not much to see flower shop. There are also some far way from my house.

A flower shop is located in the Rawamangun. This is in the proximity of my house but only that not all flowers are sold, because the office looks but small. The management is well organized but not perfect. In general business in Jakarta it fits * florist * not so good on the flowers. If we want to buy a flower or two to three flowers, we just drop by the shop. Who needs, who come needs. Since there is no Blumenbote as in Germany. That's dangerous in Jakarta, where we deliver by * * although friendly tourist spot the flowers. So, that means the customer orientation is not good.

The price is in my opinion equally as expensive as in other countries. Flowers are always an elegant affair. Of course, the flowers, the particular color or quality, have expensive and the others are so so.

The flowers can be delivered, if we want to buy lots of flowers. In my opinion, we buy at least 3 pack a cost and it must have at least 200 thousand rupiah. If we only donate 20-100 Rupiahs, I think there is no flower delivery at home.
katherine wiriadinata: In my view, will increase the quality of the business or remain the same as today. There is no good undfreulich delivery or surprised as in Germany, so everyone will have joy especially the couple.

================================================ ================

- so that one thinks of love

something to put into words
- say something in a roundabout

- something to make it clear without saying it directly

style - elegant; tasteful tie

a bunch
- several flowers combine with a thread

- the passion

network that
- here: transform a system from a central office with several branch offices

into something / someone
- by magic (in this case by a different dress)
to something / someone other are

- someone who someone else a message, a packet, etc. bringing

How do I get the honor?
- What have I done this praise, gifts, etc. deserves?

principal who
- one that someone entrusted with something

Florist, the
- one who binds the bouquets and they sold

- in a particular place; in a place where something happens or has happened

- including delivery of goods that were previously ordered from a central

- not fresh, dried

a brilliant idea
- a very good idea

- so that it is useful to society

is public company
- a particular form of a company, and if many people
small parts a company have


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fish Respiration And Water Temperature Lab

Manuskrift: Flowers for All

Fleurop The company is a flower delivery. It provides for 100 years, bunches of flowers in the world. Carsten Floeter from Berlin boss is a flower shop. He also works as Fleurop messenger. When the headquarters Fleurop calls him, he ties a bunch and bring him to the person who will be surprised with the flowers - whether at home or out at the bus stop. Founded Fleurop in September 1908. The idea had the Florist Max Hübner. He wanted the flowers arrive fresh to the people.
Why should not the bouquets themselves, but simply the orders are sent. Namely at local flower shops, which then - make the customers with fresh flowers a delight - like Carsten Floeter from Berlin.


White symbolizes purity and elegance, with pink can be expressed romantic feelings, yellow stands for joy, however. Previously, a code for the flowers, say what you wanted, but did not dare to put into words. Today, it speaks through the flower still very stylish, and flowers will be delivered almost anywhere.

Blumenbote am happy because there's just always fun to make people happy - with flowers, they laugh to see, to look forward to, and gives a great feeling.

SPEAKER: The Berlin
florist Flower Factory. Carsten Floeter has been here 15 years, the boss. He still binds every bouquet full of devotion. This here is the same person be surprised. Karsten Flöter Fleurop business is part of the network. So he turns himself into a Fleurop messenger. All orders that are in the area to deliver his flower shop, he gets the call from Fleurop-center. In most cases, it must then go very fast.

I have here, yes, as far as I know, have a bouquet for a man of his wife, and as I imagine that just got married, and so is the white ostrich Sun And it would surprise him stop, and that is up to 16 clock here, then why hurry myself.

Wuttje, the Flower Factory, I have a Fleurop flower bouquet for you.

Oh, how do I get the honor?

Well, you have to ask the client.

Thank you!

Bye, good day!

to the early 20th Century, says it like flowers. And thus arriving nice and fresh, has the Berlin Florist Max Hübner an idea. In September 1908 he sent flowers from his business not to travel to Potsdam, but just the order to a friendly local florists. The flower delivery is established.

time it was really the case that were sent from Berlin to Moscow, for example, flowers or even to Rome. And one can imagine that these supplies that arrived by parcel then and certainly not as fast as today, some were a bit wilted. And who said we do it differently - was a brilliant idea.

Fleurop, a nonprofit corporation, is a huge success. Worldwide, close to 50 000 florists in the network. For many years, Fleurop all alone on the market. Today, other companies to send bunches of flowers. In Fleurop every eight seconds a bouquet goes on a journey. Carsten Floeter also has another job. He surprised a girl right next to the bus stop.

Hello, are you Hannah?


Ah, great, I have a few Fleurop flowers for you.

thank you.

KARSTEN flute:
There you go. Bye, have fun with it!
