It is in every supermarket are often observed , stop that customers put their shopping carts at random from the most unlikely places, and other obstacles in the Area to look around and tackle this ram, push and upset - just lose all reason. The whole thing reminds me
often on the road, so I've even considered how it would be if everyone would keep time at the supermarket to the simplest of road traffic regulations.
Let's start with one simplified rule:
A shop with a size of 1000 m² has about 40 courses. This principle can be applied to any course. Those coming from the right has the right of way. Thus, collisions and misunderstandings can be avoided. No one is taking the right of way, there will be no Konflilkten.

gray shaded areas mark shelves.
Green has right of way.
red must wait.
whom this principle is too difficult, take a print of this image in your wallet and store as needed to help bring about.
Here again a specific example:

person has violated the bottom right of way. Person above has not been paying attention (inattention see below) and then it comes to a collision.
is gemotzt bitching and public sentiment is deteriorating.
This has the consequence that bad Mood is transmitted to other people. eg cashiers.
studying in the hands of the shopping list and with the forearms pushing the cart like to find them in departments with very fragile commodity: the inattentive . could
As if no one else around and when they do not clear away in his car all the shelves, if you go against these thugs drive around aimlessly.
There are also block the gossip which whole passages, because the neighbor who is so true otherwise NIE, the latest rumors about Mrs. Müller and Mr. Schmidt have to say. Usually increased the overall work over the hours and the meeting.
These crowds of people can, as mentioned, whole shelves verperren and blocking access, the access to other parts of the store. Here, the associated shopping carts placed at random in the area and annoyed pushed back and forth, if one is just going to push past the angry Weibermob.

Which brings us to the next topic already.
Again, there are several species of non-thinking customers.
First, we would have the cross plate. They critically eyeing the goods on the shelf right and cross Buchsi their shopping carts in the aisle to the shelf towards the left and thus take any opportunity to use this gear yet.

A customer wants to buy barrier (which can be realized, of course not always) and finds it very uncomfortable when others on their error alert must make. Usually he is here on the cross plate also considered bad or irritated.
Then we had there the Engstellenverstopfer . An anyway tight spots (caused by, for example pallets of which just goods are unpacked.) This customer blocked along with a shopping cart, the passage, because right there, is at this point, the product that it now only once studied extensively on the phone or in the bag must dig. In most cases, the affected customers to take a detour of several shelves of department, or they lose their precious time, which in turn leads to the anger and bad temper of those.

Gray Shaded areas mark the shelves again.
checkered area = obstacle (eg pallet, roll container, etc.)
Green = Red = Angry Engstellenverstopfer
There is only one way to describe customers: the illegal parking.
He makes his car for unknown reasons in the most unlikely locations on indefinitely and you think not even the slightest about what he is doing actually.
It could for example be the case that the illegal parking well as being the Gossip and therefore the car is somewhere to the side to be undisturbed with another to maintain gossip. This can then be before a reverse vending machines or on an office door ... would generally in front of doors, gates, storage access, every place where someone always wants to go to the core.

1: blocking doors with constant use
2: block high-use machines
3: Blocking of the cash receipts
4: Block courses generally
very popular is to make access to a cash-tight, because there will only just quickly forgot the flour. And the cream. And yeast. And the toilet paper. And the cashier is sitting there, awkward in their situation, while the next customer is totally upset.
And here we learn one important thing: foreigners trolleys are not touched. Customers take very, very reluctantly to the weighing of other customers. They could eventually reported stolen in handbags, which are in the car or are suspected of stealing goods from other cars.
And why is now by the cashier, who at least is exactly as unpleasant expected to rise from their workplace, forward runs and gives the car to the side, just so they come back from illegal parking, of if and when they reached the car has get to hear what that actually, because he has indeed made, and finally he is back already.
we come to the time last traffic offense:
The tailgaters is a strange man. He was an hour ago a gossip and Engstellenverstopfer, of false parked everywhere across presented and and all time the world seemed to have it transformed into a now, suffering from an acute lack of time tailgaters.
makes this evident in the fact that it suddenly all gossip, Engstellenverstopfer, illegal parking and cross plate very terrible and impossible place and is upset about it loudly.
any case, he is in a hurry and he wants to pay any price to the cashier to quickly and escape from this cruel institution. He rammed freely also like the track.
will arrive at the counter set of tailgaters then that about 40 other customers had the same idea as him. The result is a colorful jumble from all sorts of customers who want to pay all the first time and go right to fund one, then to fund 3 because queue suddenly but less cash back to 1 and then switch back to the left to fund in 5, because the mind then finally, the time has blessed and count only the instincts.

The simple rule of ZIP ACTION also should help turn gives. one turns to a kind of quasi-resolution zip procedures that a snake equally to the various funds and successively splits.
But what do I tell? In an age where the customer is king and the employee only a subject, it would be almost a farce to come up with rules of this type. That would throw the whole concept of sales outlets in ruins, and would probably be too costly and also: Who is to monitor something like that, anyway if haunt the whole store just 2 employees? And who can do that with him?
But well, I suppose you will dream a little more spin and may ...