The S-and U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg, four young men attacked two other men behind, wounded and kicked one of the two men lying on the floor in a coma.
I recommend everyone do-gooders and non-cynic on it to click on this link.
Especially with the video one can only be bad, because that's really hard to swallow.
How can they do such a thing? Why do they attack innocent people?
Who really believes that to these "people" had in mind ever seriously decent or productive members of society, is totally blind.
Since the perpetrators of violence, however, are under 18 years I go from very light sentences. A "difficult childhood" ™ and the large load in such a terrible society such as ours will live to contribute to their remaining.
Two years in juvenile detention I think is the maximum. Sorry.
One can only hope that the attacked ever again to live a normal life. This is probably not.
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