Toll, that was a good time Sunday!
are now finally put all parts of the contract open. Well done!
We were of course the referendum. I had once been good at even signed the petition. So I am a model citizen. Speak, a Wutbürger without anger.
Well, maybe a little anger.
Nevertheless, a great citizen!
Please pats me on the shoulder when all you see me next time. But not too tight. Otherwise I'll
Nevertheless, I am very surprised that it worked. So not even the East German results. After all, 98.2%! But anyway I was wondering who has since voted for No! Those are probably the same in the Puppies say "Yuck, how disgusting." So rather strange contemporaries.
No, but it could just fail that less than 25% of eligible voters had gone to vote.
case of "massive support" which existed from the five parties in the Berlin state parliament there - namely, none at all - was the (quite scarce) results already really a blast.
Here I am especially disappointed by the Greens total! Because unlike the SPD, CDU and the Left Party, they were not directly involved in the whole privatization crap. The Left Party also not really, but have accepted it as part of the government. Accomplices and followers, so to speak. Also not very impressive.
why would I (ie, the organization that initiated the referendum) of the Greens a much greater support in the best efforts of the Berlin water table expected. But which came containing just nothing at all. Not even election posters. So I have seen at least no.
This shows but once again very clearly where the Greens are doing, really. Namely, wants closer to the FDP as many Green voters have probably true.
is astonishing that the FDP of best practices and just completely kept out. Yes indeed, it does not always have the FDP . Grumble You get exactly what you expect.
Everyone knows that the FDP will provide always on the side of the business, and no problem would have to privatize not only 49.9% of the water companies, but without batting an eyelid, equal to 100%.
Who wants water, the sheets must be neat!
must also return to the basic primary care are in there.
you're poor and you can not afford the water?
drinking less and die!
This is the FDP. So be it. There is at least honest.
you would expect exactly how to behave. And
what else can you do not expect the FDP as well.
FDP Well done!
that as from it, the result is great!
"Impressive," 27.5 percent of all eligible voters participated and of which 98.2 percent voted in favor. That's 665 713 citizens.
it had little support from the parties, where, it would probably not be as much stayed home. But that does not matter because it worked.
Whether because of the earnings now come out something useful is another matter. But it has not the great city of Germany's most expensive water would be.
Let's see what happens.
Let's see what happens.
Oh wait, sorry, I'm in my presentation was not fair!
There was support for a party! This does not sit in Parliament and is otherwise (rightly) ignored. Exactly how to do it with extremists.
BUT ... DKP has placarded the least good and supports the call of the referendum. At least in Neukölln.
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