Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sea Shell Rings Weddings

The thing with the manners

Some days it really depressed me.

Since one is friendly, helpful, willing to tear the ass to the satisfaction of Greets customers, very friendly and smiles Said with eye contact.

The thanks? Ignorance!

It's not that these people, of which I speak here with the thoughts are elsewhere, have not heard me or any other plausible reasons not to have regards. Something like this is now on time and on and there is nothing wrong with.

I'm talking about the people who ignore a target, even after hearing one, even though they come and push forward to an only car, even though you look them in the face.

Is that asking too much to give at least a nod or some sign to feel that it is not a machine, but a man.

Where to stay for as the much vaunted manners?

an example.

customer comes to the checkout puts the goods on the tape.

cashier: "Hi:)"
Goods Customer grants to the tape.
cashed cashier.
customer grants of goods into the car.
cashier: "That would be € 9.88, please."
customer complains that the cashier through a 10 mm.
cashier: "Dankeschöm and 0.12 cents back a nice day, I wish you.."
customer throws the cash in your wallet and leaves the store without any further communication.

Compare this buying situation once with a machine:

customer goes to the vending machine.
customer dials a number.
customer inserts money.
machine spits out goods.
customer picks up product from the door.
customer goes without further communication.

Na? Similarities and differences detected?


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